If you need to contact me for any reason, this is the proper place to do that. You will probably have the best luck sending me an email, but feel free to use any of the social networks I've listed above (though Twitter and Reddit are the only things I ever really check) if you have any kind of question of comment about anything on this site. I've also included a phone number below, but it's just a voice-mail box and a place to receive SMS; feel free to use that phone number, just don't expect anyone to pick up on the other end.
If you are here to leave a bug report, thanks; and please just send an email to m@makc.co with "Bug Report" as the subject.
If you are are having an issue with my dot files, or a script, or anything else from my GitHub page; you can send me an email here, but it's probably best to open an issue on GitHub so that any users having the same issue can see the eventual solution as well. Please and thank you.